Organ recital
6 April 2025
19 h 00 min
Bonn-Beuel (Germany)
Saint Joseph Church

Concert program for the 95th birthday of Maestro Jean Guillou


Franz Liszt

« Tristis est anima mea » (from the Oratorio “Christus”)

Transkription for organ: Zuzana Ferjencikova, dedicated to Jean Guillou (2019)


Jean Guillou

Ballade ossianique No. 2 “Les Chants de Selma”, op. 23


Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgski/Jean Guillou

Pictures at an Exhibition

transcription for organ: Jean Guillou


1. Gnomus (The Gnome)


2. Il veccio Castello (The old Castle)


3. Tuileries (Children’s Quarrel after Games)

4. Bydlo (Cattle)


5. Ballet of Unhatched Chicks

6. “Samuel” Goldenberg and “Schmuÿle”


7. Limoges. The Market (The Great News)

8. Catacomabae (Sepulcrum romanum). Catacombs (Roman Tomb) –

    Cum mortuis in lingua mortua (With the Dead in a Dead Language)

9. The Hut on Hen’s Legs (Baba Yaga)

10 . The Bogatyr Gates (In the Capital in Kiev)